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Half Round/Half Octagonal 24inch 45LC 92

Posted: 23 Oct 2012 22:13
by Leverlad
Hi All,

New to this forum, but thought i may say hi and show you what i found. I bought this rifle from a guy who said it was too feeble for pig hunting so he upgraded to the 454 Casul. When i looked at it i asked him what ammo he was using..... he said cowboy loads ! :o ANy way i literally "stole it" from him as he said it was a P.O.S. 'cos the last big pig he shot with it just ran off.... I didnt tell him that the ammo was the problem and that i was about to rectify that with my handloaded artillary shells :lol:

Anyway it was really dirty and needed a good cleaning which i did last night and it scrubbed up quite well. It seems to have a half octagonal barrel with the rest being round and i believe there was a limited run of these ? Anyway, I am chuffed with it and am going to put some lead through it this weekend.... I hope the pic loads ...