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Re: Protecting Your 2nd Amendment Rights!

Posted: 18 Jan 2013 18:48
by deadkelly
Or wage control . Guys the thought of guns in schools is just so far out for me 2 comprehend . We have a shooting & hunting culture over here in oz but it's no where near as intence . You know new zeland has one of best gun laws in the world i think . They have all the semi autos & good stuff , but there cops don't carry guns & they have huge nasty guys & alot of gangs , the police know it's how they comunicate with people that really counts . Kiwis have a very good hunting & sharing food ethic . Most family disputes are settled with a hungie or big feast cooked in the ground . I had one cooked for me after standing up 2 a bunch of maoris on a building site . I declined at first , then the 2 biggest came & grabbed me & forced me over there & said eat . we repect you & we became good mates after that . I don't know where i'm going with this anymore . I think the problem is so huge when people randomly shoot masses of people & then them selves . It's sad & even worse that hunters & shooters cop the blame . What about a deal that a maximum 10 shot mag & no cheap semi auto imports & maximum wage & profit cap . Nobody needs more then a million $ a year . I blame the ultra rich & the greedy who wanta be ultra rich . Good luck guys go down fighting .

Re: The Truth About Assault Weapons

Posted: 18 Jan 2013 19:50
by pricedo
Why drag irrelevant matters into the equation?
The problem of school mass shootings is not one of politics, philosophy, psychology or's a problem of strategy.
What we need is an immediate and adequate response and intervention right at the onset of the incident.
That can only mean trained armed guards in the schools any time it is occupied by students.
Funny, it's so simple for other hazards like fire where the fire extinguishers and sprinklers have been put in place without a big drawn out discussion.
It's just as simple to put the life saving first response infrastructure in place for mass shootings.......trained armed guards.
What's the problem?
Why lip and gum it to death all the while kids die needlessly? .......just do what needs to be done.

Re: The Truth About Assault Weapons

Posted: 19 Jan 2013 07:37
by Rooster59
Bingo Pricedo. But if everyone is safe we wouldn't be able to drum up support for banning firearms! "That can't work!"

The obvious is usually the right solution.


Re: The Truth About Assault Weapons

Posted: 19 Jan 2013 08:07
by Rooster59
The general public can be so short sighted some times it is amazing we have gotten where we are today. I won't bore you with all my thoughts from the past fifteen minutes but a few are:

Why do we have the DHS? To protect our way of life, presumably, from foreign threats.
Does the DHS employ firearms as well as other tools to achieve that goal? I believe so. They have a standing requisition for millions of rounds of ammunition.

Why do we have the TSA? To protect airports and airline passengers from threats.
Does the TSA employ firearms as well as other tools to achieve that goal? I believe so. See answer for the DHS.

If I were an enterprising religious zealot from a beautiful exotic foreign land studying how to strike fear into the hearts and minds of US citizens what would I have come away with in the past 60 days? You know the type, they look and smell like a camel's armpit? I would likely realize that the safety level for US school children is very low. I might also notice that a lot of pre-school age children are vulnerable too. Now, if the Newtown incident having been perpetrated by an unbalanced young man was so successful at upsetting the apple cart just think what a well orchestrated attack would do to the US psyche.

We know from information reported by our government agencies responsible for tracking terrorists that they feel they have made their big mark. Now they are pursuing smaller, organized attacks over a broad area to further demonstrate we aren't safe from terrorism.

But of course this is all crazy talk because, like domestic criminals, we know terrorists check federal, state, and local laws and regulations before planning their moves. In fact, they probably do................

Re: Protecting Your 2nd Amendment Rights!

Posted: 19 Jan 2013 08:16
by pricedo
deadkelly wrote: Good luck guys go down fighting .

With all due respect sir, DOWN (into surrender and slavery) is a direction Americans have never and NEVER WILL go in.
And it's got very little to do with luck and a lot to do with a nation of freedom loving people with an indomitable spirit.
If it was easy to disarm and subjugate Americans the leftist/commie elite would have done it years ago.
Other administrations have tried it and Barack Obama will be equally unsuccessful. :mrgreen:
There are not many certainties in life but this is one of them. :D