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Front band screw

Posted: 01 Aug 2018 07:27
by newtire
I saw a post a long time ago that was asking how long is the front band screw. I had a real tough time getting mine back together as it appeared the screw was too short. I understand about the shortest distance between two points is a straight line and how the barrel screw channel might be burred etc. Mine doesn't appear to be burred and if it's crooked, I sure wouldn't want to have to send it back to Rossi. I have tried to order from them in the past but got no results. Sorry if this sounds like a rant but I don't mean for it to be like that. Anyway, does anyone know where I can get a slightly longer screw? That's all I want to know really.

Re: Front band screw

Posted: 01 Aug 2018 08:49
by Ranch Dog
Have you seen what the fit is like without the forearm? Maybe the barrel band is bent. I'm afraid that you will go through the expense of a new screw and get exactly what you already have. My guess is that the barrel was not properly relieved and the barrel band is bent.

You might look through this topic, Forearm Tip Fit Question, this image is on page two.


That is how I would start rather ordering a new part. Make sure the metal stuff is square to the receiver and then fit the forearm to it. Every 92 I purchased, six of them, the barrel was not properly relieved and that slot cut in the barrel prevented both the band and screw from being a square fit to the receiver. They all had the same symptoms that you are experiencing. If it wasn't such an easy fix to provide proper relief on the barrel and get the band squared back up, I would not have bought another 92.

I simply don't know how some of my rifles were put together. I suspect that the barrel and magazine were put in a padded vice and the receiver twisted to align everything. I don't think that the slot is relieved during fit, no way it could be. I think the relief is cut when the barrel is being made and whoever is doing it hates his job.

Re: Front band screw

Posted: 01 Aug 2018 17:55
by GasGuzzler
Even though mine is the old style with sight on band it was the same. The only difficult by manufacture (not design) issue I had on full tear down was THAT screw. My rifle is from 1987. Sometimes things don't change.