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Old Pro Shared His Hog Hunting Techniques

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 11:51
by Mrlucky353
Saw this post by bigjim on ... ment457284

"Re: Hog Hunting

Hunting pigs. I've mastered killing them and get them almost every hunt.
Anyone can do if u follow some tips.

Take off stalking slowly into wind or preferably crosswind. Don't limit yourself to woods you are comfortable with just keep stalking all morning till u run into them, don't wait for them to come to you, go get them.

Stay off slews with all rooting as that sign was made at night and focus on edge of thick areas. I use backpack and travel edges of thickets. I will usually have 2 or more encounters everyday. I only shoot pigs under 100 lbs but run into large and giant hogs almost everyday.

I like mornings because it's cooler, less mosquitoes and ground is damp so I can effectively stalk. Also I have all day to get out as I often go 2 or 3 miles in. I clean pigs where I kill them taking all four quarters and back straps. I place each quarter and straps in Walmart bag then stick all 5 bags in trash bag in my pack. Carried 3 sixty pounders out at once last weekend with no problem.

I have cleaning perfected after years. I can clean a pig in woods in well under 10 mins with no mess. I use good rubber gloves and 2 knives. U need a good gps and ability to use it too hunt like this. I mark places I see hogs and deer and pass back thru next hunt.

After many trips you will see a pattern and type of terrain pigs like and find some real good deer spots. U will also find small thickets you can return too for years and kill pigs consistently. Hope this helps.

If u follow these tips and with a little work you will be able to get a pig almost every hunt.
I got 27 in 24 hunts and let twice that many go because they were too big."