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20 gage Mossburg 500 need a favor

Posted: 13 Sep 2015 13:20
by Ohio3Wheels
I have misplaced the plug for this gun. As I recall it was a simple quarter inch dowel if someone has one of these guns could you measure the length for me.


Make smoke,

Re: 20 gage Mossburg 500 need a favor

Posted: 13 Sep 2015 16:29
by Ranch Dog
I misplace my all the time in my 12 gauge 500. I use the trial and error method for getting the length right. I was in the lumber yard yesterday and saw the dowels, it was closing time and it needed to lumber loaded, but I could not remember the diameter that it needs. Will go back tomorrow and get one.

In that the dowel is always missing, I fill it up to capacity, and then take them all out and figure out what it takes to have only to shells in the tube. I just mark the dowel against the lineup.

I use it for slugging barrels and never return it!

Re: 20 gage Mossburg 500 need a favor

Posted: 16 Sep 2015 12:15
by akuser47
It's 9 inches along with orings about an inch from each end these keep it from binding in the spring as easily. Diameter is .243 of an inch or 6.2mm diameter this is for a 12 gauge but not sure that matters.

Re: 20 gage Mossburg 500 need a favor

Posted: 16 Sep 2015 16:01
by Ranch Dog
I like the idea of the o-rings and it would keep me from using it elsewhere. Did you cut a groove in the dowel to keep the rings in place?

Re: 20 gage Mossburg 500 need a favor

Posted: 16 Sep 2015 18:36
by akuser47
Its actually the factory plug for the 12 gauge Mossberg 500. The factory plug uses flat sided orings, but yes when I needed one and could not find this one at the time I had to pull my buddies out to make one. I etched a slot into each end about an inch from each end so that round orings that fit tightly enough to not roll so much the factory ones with the flats don't move so much.