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My neck of the woods

Posted: 20 Jun 2012 23:05
by Ranch Dog
My sister visited this past weekend and just sent me a zip of some photos see took from around the "headquarters" of the ranch which consists of a couple homes (mine is the house with the flagpole), a lake, wildlife feed area, and food plots. She did good catching a number of deer's reflections in the lake.

Re: My neck of the woods

Posted: 20 Jun 2012 23:44
by akuser47
Looks like you have a really nice piece of land. I envy you and your location.

Re: My neck of the woods

Posted: 21 Jun 2012 07:08
by Ranch Dog
akuser47 wrote:Looks like you have a really nice piece of land. I envy you and your location.
Thanks! I'm glad she sent these, I tend to look around and see "work waiting for me". I know I'm lucky but seeing what another wants to capture for memories does provide a bit of an adjustment.

I've had a tough go the last six weeks. A neighbor started to burn post oaks that that had been cleared out of a pasture last December and that smoke drifted over us with the prevailing wind. At the same time, I was hitting the work outside because we are at the point that the weather turns very hot and we will soon typically have a string of days over 100, usually about a 6 week run. Anyway, in the smoke I was putting in dawn to dark days outside even though it was already 102°. I worked a string of 11 days and was tuckered out but had to go fly a three day trip. That trip was with a young fellow on his first B737 flight so the workload was pretty heavy and I came back beat but then hit the ranch work another 9 days in a row in the heat and continuing smoke. That did it, I was really sick with some bad stuff. They started treating me for heat exhaustion and smoke inhalation but I had a number of complications that eventually took me to the ER. It has now been three weeks since I picked up a shovel and I've just started to feel like I'm going to make it. In the process my body decided to shuck 15 pounds over a six day period so none of my clothes fit, that can be a good thing. I've also had just about everything that can be tested, test. My heart is strong as it can be, I'm well over the 100% for a 57 old fellow and with the weight loss I'm back to my fight'n weight. After the weeks I've had, it seems a tough way to get there. Just an inflamed airway now but even that is on the mend.

Like I said, the pictures where needed by me as I tend to see what needs work.

Re: My neck of the woods

Posted: 21 Jun 2012 13:47
by akuser47
Glad to here that you our on the mend, I know I need to loose alot of weight. I am 300 lbs and diebetic type 1 on shots from the start. I have only recently gotten fat becaue of my sugars being under my control my a1C is on the money now and sudennly gaining when I eat it just turns to fat so I am trying to get out and do more to try and offset what I eat even though I have cut down alot. I have bad knees one was tibia a platue rebiuld and knee on my left leg and fractures and scar tissue in my right knee so runnin is out so I have been taking gentle walks to try to burn caleries. I am half your age and beaten and broken but still plan on fighting on. Good luck to you and yours and I wish you good health .

Re: My neck of the woods

Posted: 21 Jun 2012 16:38
by Ranch Dog
AK, hate hearing about your tough go but hang in there. Sounds like you are taking some steps that will get and keep you moving in the direction that will see you to better health.

Re: My neck of the woods

Posted: 21 Jun 2012 18:02
by akuser47
We as humans cannot know paradise until we have suffered in life and as I struggle day to day to survive I am more thankful the the next day that comes. We all have our own battles to fight as You and I do. I promised my daughter that it would not make me give in to the sicknes. Prayers and blessing to you and yours I am healthy just to use to old country cooking fried everything that is what will kill my fried taters sausage and bacon and just about anything else that can fried up. I am workin on it we will see in time as we all will what is to be and what is not. thank you for your kind words.

Re: My neck of the woods

Posted: 21 Jun 2012 23:23
by Arktikos
Ranch Dog wrote:My sister visited this past weekend and just sent me a zip of some photos see took from around the "headquarters" of the ranch which consists of a couple homes (mine is the house with the flagpole), a lake, wildlife feed area, and food plots. She did good catching a number of deer's reflections in the lake.
I wish I had gotten a look at these pictures before I headed out to the cabin for a 10 day hiadois. There is a terrible cell connection here that is slower than paint drying at 30deg so will have to wait till I get back to Juneau.
Really want to see the ranch that has the year round hunting going on! Take care of your health ranch dog, I know what doesnt kill us makes us stronger but still as a fellow 57 year old, no need to push things at this point! Okay? :grin:

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Re: My neck of the woods

Posted: 07 Nov 2012 10:10
by doskiez
This is a few pictures from my neck of the woods in Texas. I am about 2 hours north of RD. I just have a little ranch with no real game to speak of, too much farm land around and not enough cover. There is one of a little flooding we had last winter, a tree that fell but is basically the view off my back pourch and a few cows in the pasture.

Re: My neck of the woods

Posted: 07 Nov 2012 13:53
by Ranch Dog
Very nice. What about hogs? I have a son living outside Manor and he has them.

Re: My neck of the woods

Posted: 07 Nov 2012 14:28
by doskiez
We may have one or two around us, but we are no where near as infested as some of the areas around us. I do enjoy hunting them and there are no shortage of friends around who have them. I count myself lucky that we are safe from them so far.